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The Top Ten Most Autotuned Songs

1Disturbia - Rihanna

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May 29, 2012  The wanted on the other hand sounded great from when they first stated with their new style of pop, that is one of the reasons why some people think the wanted are auto tune due to there different style, I'm not saying that one direction are brilliant by typing 'sucsesful' there a 5 min wonder, it is just simen cowel making them. Jan 18, 2011  How To Auto-Tune Yourself with GarageBand '11 By MacLife 18 January 2011 Hated by some, loved by others, the act of auto-tuning your voice with software has. Ever wondered what the world's biggest boy band would sound like without a load of techno gadgetry behind them? Mar 25, 2020  Morrissey is one of my favorite singers because of the unique qualities of his voice, including the flaws and strange things that happen in those mythical two takes of vocals he records. It's like all the edge has been sanded off. I've seen him live recently and his.

This song could have been better without the autotune - ElSherlock

Rihanna's auto-tuned vocals are just,..unlistenable! I don't know how I used to like this as a kid. - DaWyteNight

2Don't Wake Me Up - Chris Brown

Definitely this one. The Autotune is so obvious it hurts.


3Sweatshirt - Jacob Sartorius

Sweatshirt should be deleted from history

This is horrendous - ElSherlock

It’s just unlistenable. - Userguy44

Oof can't argue with this - StarlightSpanks

4I Gotta Feeling - The Black Eyed Peas

One Direction Voice Without Auto Tunes

The autotune in this song is fine - ElSherlock

The autotune actually makes it good though in this song - DrayTopTens

Not even the most autotuned Black Eyed Peas song. I guess autotune is their trademark. - Userguy44

I love all the songs but bruh to much to much

5We Can't Stop - Miley Cyrus

She sounds robotic - ElSherlock

6Friday - Rebecca Black

It was terrible - ElSherlock

She sounds whiny and nasally,was that the autotune? In this case,autotune made the song even worse!

7Your Love is My Drug - Ke$ha

There is a bit of autotune in this song - ElSherlock

It sounds extreme because it’s so much autotune in the song.

This is actually one of Kesha's song with less autotune than normal.

9Antidote - Travis Scott

I can't believe Wikipedia says he's a 'hip hop recording artist'. This song is 99 1/2% autotune and 1/2% rapping

Travis Scott has no talent. Can't sing or rap to save his life.

Nice job Travis, another song where your voice is auto-tuned to oblivion and the song's name doesn't make any damn sense.

How come this is NOT higher?
Cool For The Summer, Dangerous Woman and In My Head don't have any noticeable autotune. This song sounds like a cross between Cher and T Pain


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Kiss Kiss - Chris Brown

The autotune in the chorus is so bad that when I was a kid it sounded like Chris said 'gay with me' - DaWyteNight

T Pain is an alien from Jupiter.
It sure sounds like it, maybe because his voice is drowned in so much autotune.

The Contenders

11Hit or Miss - Jacob Sartorius

All of his songs have autotune - ElSherlock

12Bohemian Rhapsody - Lil Meerkat


What is this


Hm. - ElSherlock

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13I Love the Smelly Feet - Submarine Man


This sounds.. like a cracked version of I Love It *Knows that it's a parody of I Love It' - ElSherlock

Sounds like a guy with lungs cancer singing underwater. - Votebotingsucks

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Guess what? I now HATE Autotune all the more thanks to this steaming pile of excrement - xandermartin98

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15Live Your Life - T.I.
17Xanny - Billie Eilish

Billie used so much autotune in this song that she sounds like a girl version of Lil Meerkat. - SanicWantsHisSandwich

She sounds like Robot Oscar the Grouch on meth. - SanicWantsHisSandwich

18Want to Want Me - Jason Derulo

What the hell is this doing here? This has no Autotuned does it

20Closer - The Chainsmokers
22Lollipop - Lil Wayne
23Little Flexer You are in Big Trouble - Submarine Man

Please die

25Heartless - Kanye West

The autotune added more vibe to it which I really liked

Honestly thought it was T-Pain the first time I heard this song. - DaWyteNight

26Freaking Foot Fame - Submarine Man

I have no words

285 O'Clock - T-Pain

At all!

T-Pain complains how people don't take him seriously as a singer, yet he continues to make autotuned music. - DaWyteNight

I know T Pain uses autotune, but in this song, he overdoes autotune like a drug and practically killed his voice. Even songs by Kesha and Chris Brown don't have as much autotune as this.

Should be number 1. So horrendously obvious my ears bled.

30Starships - Nicki Minaj

This one is good, the autotune isn't - ElSherlock

32Baby - Justin Bieber

The autotune was bad - ElSherlock

34Never Be the Same - Camila Cabello

Your ears will hurt after listening to this - ElSherlock

So autotuned it's not even funny. - B1ueNew

36Bad Guy - Billie Eilish
37Sensual Seduction - Snoop Dogg

Again, the first time this came on the radio I was like 'that can't be T-Pain can it? ' - DaWyteNight

Lol,..Snoop is snoop

Snoop Dogg meant to make the most auto tuned song possible when he made this. Don't believe me? Look it up. - RalphBob

38Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande

This song sounds good except the autotune in it - ElSherlock

40As Long As You Love Me - Justin Bieber
42Tik Tok - Ke$ha

This would have been better without the autotune - ElSherlock

Especially the 'you build me up, you break my down' part

Her voice is auto tuned to the max in this song.

Annoying song. - Userguy44

44California Love - 2pac

What?! This don't have no autotune

Autotune want invented moron

I don’t mind the autotune in this song. - Userguy44

45Believe - Cher

This was the first song that used autotune. After that autotune has been used too much in the 2010s - ElSherlock

Autotuned but great! Better than those bad auto tune songs

Sounds like a man singing. - I80

First song to ever use the Autotuner.

46Trumpet Lights - Chris Brown

This is crap - TBNRbest46

This is terrible and his voice sounds so robotic - ElSherlock

This abnormality of a song deserves #1. -5/5 - AlphaQ

This song has more autotune than literally ANY song. If you haven't heard it. It's awful. It could even be worse than Baby or U.O.E.N.O. I can't really take this song anymore.
Besides Baby doesn't have autotune so it's better than this crap
I would give this a 0/5 - AlphaQ

48Apple Berry Nana - Eric Bellinger
49Eric Bellinger - Eric Bellinger

If you took Jason Derulo's and Trey Songz' voices and combined them, you'd get Eric Bellinger. - DaWyteNight

50Only God Knows Why - Kid Rock

This HAS to be in the Top 20. - thomwim

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Top Remixes (6)

1. I Love the Smelly Feet - Submarine Man
2. Bohemian Rhapsody - Lil Meerkat
3. Cookie - R. Kelly
1. Antidote - Travis Scott
2. Disturbia - Rihanna
3. Kiss Kiss - Chris Brown
1. Xanny - Billie Eilish
2. Little Flexer You are in Big Trouble - Submarine Man
3. Stinko Foot - Submarine Man

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